Night Lily

During our trip to Hawaii, we went to a restaurant called “Manta”, where they had a beautiful display of water lillies in a huge container right outside the doors to the restaurant.

It was nightime, and the display was lit from the side, creating a dark, still scene.  

This was a great candidate for using black watercolor paper, and also using some metallic paints. 

Here, I’ve sketched out the design using a white pencil.


I wasn’t happy with how the background look, and I ended up flooding the whole background with different colors to give it some depth.

Almost Done

Adding the highlights to the flowers and the lillies in the back was all that’s left to finish this piece.  


I have been asked how I create my Cookie Cutter paintings, so thought I would include the process here:  
Once I find a good combination of cookie cutter and image, I make a paper cutout of the cookie cutter, often enlarging it a bit, out of heavy construction paper.  I put a bit of tape on the back of the paper and stick it to my watercolor paper.  Then, I go around the construction paper with masking fluid (1).  Once the masking fluid is dry, I sketch the image inside the cookie cutter shape. With the masking fluid still on I start to paint, usually putting down a light wash so I will know where the outline of the cookie cutter is (2).  Once I know I’ll be able to see where the outline is, I remove the masking fluid and them complete the painting (3).